
1501, 2019

What are the scientific benefits of meditation?

By |January 15th, 2019|Categories: all|Tags: |

There are currently more than one hundred (100) benefits recorded with numerous scientific studies to record them from improvements to the nervous system, in sleep, in heart conditions to name but a few. From the Yogic perspective this is not surprising at all but it is always nice to see western science catching up with the yogic science. From a Yogic perspective and in reference to Patanjali’s 8 limbs of [...]

1501, 2019

We know what is good for us! Why don’t we always follow through with it?

By |January 15th, 2019|Categories: all|Tags: , , |

You might have noticed that changes often take effort and some changes take a bit more effort than others but once habits are formed then everything is easier. This is because there are parts of us that don’t feel comfortable with change and growth. If it was up to them we would sit in front of a TV, having pizza all day long because the couch is comfortable and pizza [...]

1001, 2019

Why is there suffering?

By |January 10th, 2019|Categories: all|Tags: , |

In Yogic science suffering is the result of ignorance. The human being is not in touch with reality. Reality is veiled by the senses, habitual patterns, energy blockages, belief systems that no longer work for the being. As a result human beings acting from a place of ignorance make mistakes thus creating karma and suffering happens. More specifically in our times many yogis argue that the whole planet is undergoing [...]